Rock Climbing the Challenging Granite Walls of Yosemite

Yosemite National Park has long been a popular destination for rock climbers around the world. Across the 1200 square miles of the park lie some of the most unique and exciting climbs in North America. Whether you’re looking for a short half day climb or you’ve set your sights on El Capitan, Yosemite is the place to be for rock climbers.

Steep rock walls with smooth granite faces and lacking hand-holds are what await climbers here in Yosemite. Maneuvering the cracks and crevices of these rocks walls requires skill, confidence and stamina. Rock climbing in Yosemite is not for the inexperienced with the average grade exceeding 5.5.

It is vitally important before taking a rock climbing trip to Yosemite that you know you’re skill level. If you’re unfamiliar with the area, it is essential to pick up some training on crack climbing, the most predominant technique used here. Rather than …

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