9 Things Travel Companies Must Pack Into Their Websites

I have a few relatives, who see traveling as a huge waste of money. “You go, you spend lots of money and then you come home. And, what do you have to show for it all”? Poor Uncle Joe; he never took a vacation more than 100 miles away from his own front door. He certainly missed out on one of life’s great experiences – traveling the world and marveling at the many wonderful things in life that can stimulate our senses. The Sights. The Sounds. The Smells. The Tastes. The Feel. Merveilleux!

Years ago, many of those from “the greatest generation” primarily spent their vacations visiting and staying with out-of-town relatives. Some went away just to escape the sweltering heat of the city. Others often chose modest getaways that weren’t too far from home or too expensive to visit. The accounts of their vacation experiences have become legendary. Are …