How Much in Advance Should We Plan Our Summer Vacation

Some people like to plan their vacation a few months in advance while others like to wait for the last minute offers. Which one is the best way to make sure that you will have a wonderful vacation?

There are those people that plan their vacation a few months in advance. They usually go to a travel agency and talk about possibilities even when the weather outside is cold and snowy. However, they might have the right key for a successful holiday. Some agencies offer great deals if you book and prepay your vacation. Also, an advantage for taking this course of action would be the fact that you can book your flight in advance so you will pay considerable less than if you book you flight with only some days in advance.

If you decide to spend your holiday in May or September then you can be sure that …

Malawi Travel Information

The picturesque country of Malawi located in South-east Africa features stunning scenery with its mountainous ranges, high plateaus, valleys, river, woods and a large lake that occupies the majority of its eastern border. Referred to as the ‘warm heart of Africa’, the friendly persons of Malawi are certain to hand you a large welcome with massive smiles on their faces. Interaction with the local tribes is a must throughout one’s stay. One soon will recognize that each tribe is unique in dress and language. Travelling here is relatively quick with airports connecting the different regions and mini-buses that can take you to longer distances.

Malawi is separated into three regions;North, Central and South Malawi. Lake Malawi crosses all regions and occupies almost a fifth of the country with nearly 500 types of fish and sandy coasts. North Malawi is the less recognized region of the country with a lower population …